Twenty-five years ago, Michael Green, John Schwarz, and Edward Witten wrote two volumes on string theory. Published during a period of rapid progress in this subject, these volumes were highly influential for a generation of students and researchers. Despite the immense progress that has been made in the field since then, the systematic exposition of the foundations of superstring theory presented in these volumes is just as relevant today as when first published. Volume 2 is concerned with the evaluation of one-loop amplitudes, the study of anomalies and phenomenology. It examines the low energy effective field theory analysis of anomalies, the emergence of the gauge groups E8 x E8 and SO(32) and the four-dimensional physics that arises by compactification of six extra dimensions. Featuring a new Preface setting the work in context in light of recent advances, this book is invaluable for graduate students and researchers in high energy physics and astrophysics, as well as mathematicians.
In The Press
‘… these books still belong on the essential reading list for anyone wanting to gain a deep understanding of the subject.’ Douglas J. Smith, Mathematical Reviews
- Publisher: Cambridge University Press
- Published: July 2012
- ISBN: 9781139534789
- Title: Superstring Theory: Volume 2, Loop Amplitudes, Anomalies and Phenomenology
- Series: Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics Author: Michael B. Green; John H. Schwarz; Edward Witten
- Imprint: Cambridge University Press
- Language: English
- Number of Pages: 616
- 9781107029132
- 9781139534789
- 9781139540520
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