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The Agoraphobia Workbook

The Agoraphobia Workbook


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  • ISBN :9781608828012 1608828018 9781572243231 9781608828012
  • Publisher :New Harbinger Publications
  • Publication Date :July 2003; Copyright: 2003
  • Language :English
  • Print Length :192
The Agoraphobia Workbook

The Agoraphobia Workbook: A Comprehensive Program to End Your Fear of Symptom Attacks C. Alec Pollard, Elke Zuercher-White

Being agoraphobic can take many forms, and most people with agoraphobia are not complete shut-ins. Instead, they may have trouble walking outside alone for fear of feeling dizzy and falling down, or be afraid of driving on the freeway because they might faint, or avoid public venues for fear of losing physical or emotional control in a crowded place. Whatever form agoraphobia takes, it is a highly treatable and surprisingly common anxiety disorder.

The Agoraphobia Workbook can help you or someone you love overcome agoraphobia in any of its forms. The book offers clear information about how the disorder develops and a practical, step-by-step treatment strategy you can use to control specific fears and symptoms. In an interactive, easy-to-follow style, the workbook takes you through exposure and desensitization exercises. By taking it step-by-step, you can work up to formerly difficult tasks like walking outside, driving, taking public transportation, and going to stores and malls. The book also includes tips on avoiding relapses, managing setbacks, and finding help and support.

Product details

  • Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
  • Published: July 2003; Copyright: 2003
  • ISBN: 9781608828012
  • Title: The Agoraphobia Workbook
  • Author: C. Alec Pollard; Elke Zuercher-White
  • Imprint: New Harbinger Publications
  • Language: English
  • Number of Pages: 192

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