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Reclaiming Youth at Risk

Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Futures of Promise (Reach Alienated Youth and Break the Conflict Cycle Using the Circle of Courage)


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  • ISBN :1949539156
  • Publisher :200
  • Publication Date :July 8, 2019
  • Language :English
  • Print Length :200
Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Futures of Promise (Reach Alienated Youth and Break the Conflict Cycle Using the Circle of Courage)

Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Futures of Promise (Reach Alienated Youth and Break the Conflict Cycle Using the Circle of Courage) Third Edition

Empower your alienated students to cultivate a deep sense of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity. This fully updated edition of Reclaiming Youth at Risk by Larry K. Brendtro, Martin Brokenleg, and Steve Van Bockern merges Native American knowledge and Western science to create a unique alternative for reaching disconnected or troubled youth. Rely on the book’s new neuroscience research, insights, and examples to help you establish positive relationships, foster social learning and emotional development, and inspire every young person to thrive and overcome.

Drive positive youth development with the updated Reclaiming Youth at Risk:

  • Study the four hazards that dominate the lives of youth at risk: relational trauma, failure as futility, powerlessness, and loss of purpose.
  • Learn how cultivating the Circle of Courage values of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity can combat the four hazards.
  • Explore a unique strength-based approach for reclaiming discouraged or alienated youth.
  • Understand how to create a safe, brain-friendly learning environment and break the conflict cycle.
  • Read personal accounts of individuals who have transformed student trauma into student resilience in schools through trauma-informed practice.

Chapter 1: Enduring Truths
Chapter 2: The Circle of Courage
Chapter 3: Seeds of Discouragement
Chapter 4: Bonds of Trust
Chapter 5: Brain-Friendly Learning
Chapter 6: Pathways to Responsibility
Chapter 7: Lives With Purpose
Chapter 8: From Surviving to Thriving
References and Resources


“In this new edition, the authors have masterfully retained the enduring wisdom of the Circle of Courage while more fully presenting practical strategies for putting it into practice. In this small book, the science and heart of being human come together. It will make you a better carer, teacher, and advocate — and perhaps a better person.”

James P. Anglin, professor emeritus, School of Child and Youth Care, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

“As I read Reclaiming Youth at Risk — mentally punctuating one clear, profound point after another — I hoped I might recall them forever. From parents, guardians, and educators to social workers and probation officers, anyone who interacts with youth can benefit from this book. The repeated emphasis on asking what has happened to troubled youth, not what is wrong with them, rolls like thunder.”

Jean Sunde Peterson, professor emerita and former director of school counselor preparation, Purdue University, Indiana

“In this new edition of their brilliant book, Brendtro, Brokenleg, and Van Bockern update and amplify their inspiring message for reaching and transforming distressed young people. A modern fusion of Indigenous traditional knowledge and scientific psychology, the approach contained in Reclaiming Youth at Risk deserves serious consideration wherever troubled youth (and their vexed caretakers) may be found.”

Joseph P. GoneAaniiih-Gros Ventre Tribal Nation of Montana, professor, Harvard University

“Firmly planted in research, the third edition of Reclaiming Youth at Risk offers updates, insights, and wisdom. We are in a time when our interventions for troubled youth focus on disorders and the suppression of symptoms. Yet Brendtro, Brokenleg, and Van Bockern energize an optimistic vision for the future of our youth through the importance of cultivating strengths, establishing vital relationships, and keeping a balanced perspective about our current efforts. This is a must-read for educators, clinicians, and policymakers.”

Robert Foltz, associate professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

“This user-friendly book has become a classic among those whose mission it is to reach and teach youth at risk. By sometimes subtly nudging against preconceived assumptions, and on other occasions vigorously shaking the pillars of traditional deficit-focused approaches, Brendtro, Brokenleg, and Van Bockern have led the movement toward strength-based interventions for connecting with relationship-resistant young people. While maintaining the essence of their original work, with this third edition, they have broadened the scope to show how their theory and practice can and should be applied more widely to build linkages, identify possibilities, and develop the talents of all youth.”

Ken McCluskey, professor and former dean of education, the University of Winnipeg

About the Author

Larry Brendtro, PhD, is professor emeritus of special education at Augustana University and directs the Resilience Academy, providing research, publications, and training. He is a licensed psychologist with broad experience in youth development. As president of Starr Commonwealth in Michigan, he developed alternative schools and treatment programs. He holds a doctorate from the University of Michigan and has taught at the University of Illinois and The Ohio State University. He served 13 years on the US Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. His publications are available in several languages, and he trains professionals worldwide.

Martin Brokenleg, EdD, is professor emeritus of Native American studies at Augustana University and was director of Native Ministries and professor at the Vancouver School of Theology at the University of British Columbia. He holds a doctorate in psychology and is a graduate of the Episcopal Divinity School. He has extensive counseling experience in the areas of cultural trauma and substance abuse. Dr. Brokenleg has provided training and consultation throughout North America and abroad, including work with Indigenous peoples from many nations. He is an enrolled member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and currently resides in Victoria, BC, Canada.

Steve Van Bockern, EdD, is professor of education at Augustana University and hosts the annual Reclaiming Youth Seminars. With experience as a teacher and principal at the elementary and secondary levels, he consults with schools and alternative and special education programs in many nations. His publications include the book Schools That Matter, which applies the reclaiming concepts to meet growth needs of all students. He and his wife, Sarah, a school psychologist, have conducted strength-based assessments with challenging students and have been expert witnesses in juvenile court proceedings.

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Solution Tree Press; Third edition (July 8, 2019)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Perfect Paperback ‏ : ‎ 200 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1949539156
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1949539158
  • Best Sellers Rank: #206,854 in Books
    • #232 in  Philosophy & Social Aspects of Education
    • #466 in  Reading & Phonics Teaching Materials

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