Showing 10 of 68 Blog Posts

<p>Self-harm is a commonly misunderstood psychological phenomenon. Some people believe that those who harm themselves are simply stupid because why else a person would do that. Others...

<p>Many people suffer all their lives from this oppressive feeling of guilt, the sense of not having lived up to their parents’ expectations. This feeling is stronger...

<p>People are afraid of all sorts of fictional monsters while in reality it’s actually humans who hurt others the most. In previous articles we explored how people...

<p>In my article titled How Narcissists Play the Victim and Twist the Story, someone in the comment section asked me about a narcissistic persons reaction to such...

<p>Many people suffer from what is sometimes called toxic or chronic guilt, which is closely related to a false and overwhelming sense of responsibility. This stems from...
<p>In my professional and personal life, I have met and observed an overwhelming number of people who have grown up in difficult environments. As children, all of...
<p>In the last article titled How Childhood Trauma Teaches Us to Dissociate, we looked at what dissociation is and how it relates to trauma, especially trauma that...
<p>The characteristics and behaviors listed below are not only observed in toxic families but can be seen outside of it, as general narcissistic and otherwise dark personality...
<p>Part one of this article can be found here. And heres the rest of the list.</p>
<p>People with strong narcissistic tendencies and similar dark personality traits have low and unstable self-esteem, and because of this, they feel insecure and will constantly compare themselves...